

Mentally walk through all the steps, organizing the day and remembering that the bulk of the time is in the prep work, especially the cleaning.  Update if needed and print out these steps.


Confirm with UPS when the grapes will be available to be picked up.


Label three PFCs: A, B, and C.  Make sure one primary fermentation container is marked every two gallons.


Make fresh citric acid (60g./gal.) and bleach solutions (1/4 cup/gal.).


Clean well:


2 grape picking crates

3 PFCs (one marked)

1 or 2 buckets



Prepare the wine room.


Organize the garage, putting the destemmer near the door so it can be near the macrobin, which we can't move until we have emptied it.


Get more Pasteur Red.


Rent the truck.


Go pick up the grapes from the airport.


Transfer grapes in buckets directly from the macrobin into the destemmer.

Destem and crush grapes into grape picking crates.

When a crate is half full, transfer the grapes into a PFC.  Fill PFCs no more than half full to make sure we can move them to the wine room in the basement.




Brix with both refractometer and hydrometer.

temperature of the must

# of gallons in each PFC


Taste must.


Add and stir in 30 ppm K2SO4 to the must in each PFC (= 3 x .08g. x #gallons).


Make plastic tarps for and cover each PFC, using clip to tighten string to make fairly airtight.



Calculate and record available alcohol = (°Brix – 3) x Specific gravity x .59

where Specific gravity is specific to °Brix (see Table 5 on p. 11 of MTWaH)


Plug actual number of gallons into spreadsheet and print it out.


Send email with all measurements, additions to the wine, and impressions of wine.  (Get in the habit of sending these daily this next week.)


Clean, wash with citric acid solution, and rinse the crusher/destemmer and macrobin.



Wait 6 hours to let SO2 settle into the must, killing any bad bacteria.


For each PFC:

Punch down must.


Add yeast and Superfood per spreadsheet to the must, including adding


Stir the must and re-cover PFC.



The next morning for each PFC:

Punch down must.


Add malolactic bacteria and Leucofood per spreadsheet to the must.


Measure temperature and Brix of the must.


Stir the must and re-cover PFC.